Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Happy Turkey Day to All!!!
Can't wait to touch down in Iowa this week.....been looking forward to seeing everyone. Hope that everyone is able to spend time with their family and friends....that is what the holidays are for!
Hey...Extra whip cream on that pie!!!!!
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Check this out: My work is featured at the Flash Gallery!!! I have an original window display titled "Make Your Own Damn Dinner." My art will be up for the next month in the show "MADE"...... AND my display will also be featured in "Visual Merchandising & Store Design" (VMSD) magazine!!!!!!! All those years of merchandising for BabyGap finally paid off with national recognition!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
As you can see....weeks 9, 10 & 11 flew right by. Today, Thursday, was the last day! I am SO done! Grades to follow.......
Monday, August 28, 2006
Here we go into Week 8........
What a hectic week! It was a scramble to get everything done (see previous post), but I squeaked by. Some projects need a little more work, so I am trying to catch up this week.
In addition to the FOUR classes I registered into for next quarter, I ADDED ANOTHER!!! Am I Nuts??? Yep......I am now taking Advanced Construction Documents as my 5th class. Trying not to think about that now.....
Getting back to work;
1-the independant study paper is a priority. I also need to start the Power Point presentation that will accompany the paper. The presentation is due week 10, the paper is due week 11.
2- I need to design a web page layout that consists of at least 8 pages. This is for presentation of my portfolio, resume and business. Due Thursday.
3- The brochure needs some tweaking; some text isn't finished and I'm having an issue with the borders when it prints.
4- Codes, codes, codes. Still working on the team project. Also need to finish outlines for chap 9 (second half) and chap 10. Vocab words are due as well.
5- Need to start textiles team project. Rugs are the subject and I need to find 5 manufacturers to present.
Got to fly....Starbucks is calling me.....
Monday, August 21, 2006
Week 6 is over & Midterms are in.....
Ok Folks...it's not a pretty picture. Week 6 is over and the midterm grades are in. I still have a MOUNTAIN of work to do. Here's the line up so far:
Digital Presentation B+
Codes A-
Textiles A
Independant Study C
Let's just all agree now that Independant Study class for a procrastinator is A REALLY BAD IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!! That grade is my first C EVER.....but it is not a "hard" grade..meaning that the final grade will be from the final project. This 'C' just tells you how much work I have done so far. Not much.
So, I will have to work super hard this week to remedy this. Digital presentation is dragging me down as well...because I'm good at it, I have been giving it a low priority. I assume that I can just get everything done quickly.
I am registered for next Fall quarter. Here is what we will be doing next:
Corporate Programming (online class for only 5 1/2 weeks...super intensive)
Statistics (because I totally forgot that I needed this last general Ed class...GRRR)
Grad Application & Research (the start of my last 3 quarters)
Lighting Design ( 7:30 AM on a FRIDAY of all things.....)
Got to fly....got too much work stacking up!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Week 5 is OVER!!!!
Well, you knew it would happen...I'm posting late. I failed to post on week 4...but I posted twice on week three!! Does that count?
So, the work is piling up and time is running out. This coming week 6 is officially the midterm week. I have 2 HUGE assignments due for midterm evals; brochure, letterhead and business cards done with Illustrator & InDesign....and the bulk of my independant study paper on Barn Architecture. I should have about 15-20 pages done (out of 50) by now. I have yet to start.
The work that is due this week...the work that will be taking up all my time this weekend and into the week is:
1- Create and email an outline for my independant study paper.
2- Write 15-20 pages for my independant study paper BY THURSDAY.
3- Read 82 pages of Buidling Codes (chapters 7 & 8)
4- Outline Chapters 7 & 8 in Building Codes BY TUESDAY
5- Complete vocabulary words for chapters 7 & 8 in Building Codes BY TUESDAY
6- Type up the minutes for the ASID meeting and email them to board members
7- Complete Building Sleuth assignments 1, 4 & 5 for Building Codes BY TUESDAY
8- Finish Business Cards & Letterhead in Adobe Illustrator DUE THURSDAY
9- Finish Brochure of my work for resume...done in Adobe InDesign DUE THURSDAY
10- Write a client profile for Building Codes project BY TUESDAY
11- Begin schematic design of Building Codes project BY TUESDAY
And...I must have 50 loads of laundry to do, my roses are being choked by weeds and my raspberries are in need of a good cutting and weeding as well.
It's a cliffhanger.....can I get all these assignments done at an acceptable level in time for a decent midterm grade......?????
Tune in next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Ok. My 3-quarter long grad project is coming up soon. I will start the research phase in the fall (sept). I STILL DO NOT HAVE A TOPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am clueless. I do know the following: I don't like healthcare projects; I'm not interested in general office projects either.
I had a great time working on my hospitality project (hotel,spa,etc). Hotels and public spaces might be the way to go.
While residential design is very open and less restrictive than commercial design, I have done so many projects in that area that I am kind of tired of it. I don't know that my Grand Final project that will determine...or at least sway...which employers want to talk to me should be solely residential.
At one time, I thought I would transform a family farm that we own. However, I am currently doing that in an independant study. I am researching barns of the midwest-specifically eastern iowa and southwestern Wisconsin. I will then remodel/preserve the old barn for another use.
So..I'm open to suggestions via email or post your thoughts on here. Submit it all; the wild and the wacky. I promise I will address every suggestion.
I am clueless. I do know the following: I don't like healthcare projects; I'm not interested in general office projects either.
I had a great time working on my hospitality project (hotel,spa,etc). Hotels and public spaces might be the way to go.
While residential design is very open and less restrictive than commercial design, I have done so many projects in that area that I am kind of tired of it. I don't know that my Grand Final project that will determine...or at least sway...which employers want to talk to me should be solely residential.
At one time, I thought I would transform a family farm that we own. However, I am currently doing that in an independant study. I am researching barns of the midwest-specifically eastern iowa and southwestern Wisconsin. I will then remodel/preserve the old barn for another use.
So..I'm open to suggestions via email or post your thoughts on here. Submit it all; the wild and the wacky. I promise I will address every suggestion.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Week three is over. Only 8 more to go. Midterms will be here in just 2 weeks.
Codes class: Took 2 tests. Still need to photograph 2 codes violations *somewhere* in town and write a one page paper (for each) that summarizes them. Have 66 pages to read on Egress and Exits. Must outline that chapter & complete the vocabulary for it. Also need to start work on a 10,000 square foot retail space; must create the client profile this week, outline the building footprint in AutoCad and get comparables for the neighborhood it is to be built in.
Textiles: Don't think I learned anything this week. Homework this week is designing a repeating textile pattern and creating a write-up and boarded presentation about its specs, construction and applications. Also need to complete the textile sample notebook. Haven't even started that. A group project in PowerPoint is due on week 5. Haven't started that either.
Independant Study: Research on Barns of the Midwest- Still reading and reading. Field work and measurements are done of the barn and I can start loading that data into AutoCad. Need to finish with notetakeing and write the paper (30 page) so I can start the plan for the barn remodel.
Digital Presentation: Things were slow this week. A very boring in class project about text formatting in Illustrator. My group finished last- It was just so dry and dull that we were cracking up the entire time. Good thing we are class favorites and that the instructor has a sense of humour. No immediate homework for next week, although I haven't worked on the logo/letterhead report.
So, what are my plans for the weekend? Homework, of course!!!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Here's something new......Let the song load and just press play! This is Pink with Indigo Girls. I LOVE this track...hope you do too!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Week Two
How is this for consistency? Two postings in a row!!!
So, week two is over. I was hit hard by a cold that lasted Monday night-mid-day Wednesday. I missed my Codes class and now have to make up a quiz. I was able to email the outlines to a friend and she turned them in on time for me.
Codes: Must make up that quiz- I hear it was 5 pages long WITH load and occupancy calculations. Ugh. Suddenly, I'm feeling sick again....
Texitles class was uneventful. We did some burn tests to determine fabric components. Must get started on that notebook.
Independant Study: I missed my meeting with the instructor because it was on Tuesday..the day I was the sickest. I just couldn't drive and hour to Denver for class. Still reading and doing research.
Digital Presentation: Still learning Illustrator. This is the only class I actually like going to. Still have to complete a report on business logos and letterheads...due week 6.
My new digital camera should be here tomorrow. This will make some of my school research easier. Can't wait for that! The week ahead looks like homework, homework, homework.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Week One
Week One is over. Ten more to go.
Independant Study looks to be fairly easy, providing I don't fall into a pit of procrastination.
Textiles & Finishes looks like it *might* be easy, since I studied fiber at Iowa State already. There is a pretty hefty notebook and sample book to complete. I may want to knock that out immediately.
Digital Presentation is going to be my coolest class. I will be creating posters and brochures of my work using Adobe Illustrator. I'm really excited about this one!
Building Codes....what can I say? I love the instructor, but his lecture style is kind of all over the place. He also has a very hefty notebook project that is due along with some in class drawings, as well as active research on codes in existing buildings. I think this class may kill me. Really.
So that's it for now. I'm going to try and be more consistent with my posts and keep this blog updated weekly. If you don't hear from me.......I've fallen into a pit of homework.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
What do you mean MY BREAK IS OVER?????
I meant to post here during the spring quarter. As you can see, that didn't happen. This was the WORST quarter I have ever had...mostly for personal reasons, but the work load has increased... A LOT!!!
End result: All A's.
The three weeks of break have evaporated. WHERE DID MY TIME GO?? Let's see, I went to the Blues Traveler concert at Red Rocks on July 4. My parents came for a visit. Other than that, I can't remember a whole lot.
School starts on Monday. The line-up for the summer is :
1) Independant study (which will be research on converting and restoring barns)
2) Codes & Barrier Free Design (YUCK)
3) Textiles & Finishes
4) Digital Presentation
I will not be a teaching assistant this quarter. Mainly because there was not a class in need that fit into my schedule. The teacher that I worked for the past 2 quarters has left school to work at an architectural firm. I was hoping that he would stay on until next year and help see me through my grad process. Ugh.
I was also elected as Secretary for our student ASID chapter. This shouldn't take up too much of my time. My only problem now is that I sold my old laptop and need a new one to take notes on. Wish I would have thought of that before I sold it!
Pictures that I am posting are jpgs that were created in SketchUp. I completed my Hospitality Design and my Advanced Residential Design classes using SketchUp. It's pretty easy to use. For anyone that wants to try, there is a FREE version of it available through Google (they just bought this local colorado company). It's fun to use and there are lots of free objects available online to use in your projects.
Happy Summer to all!!!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
The Winter 2006 quarter is over. With only one week between quarters, I have little time to recover. This quarter brought 2 A's and 2 A-'s. Not bad. I will be a teaching assistant again next quarter, while taking 4 more classes. Busy busy busy.
Below are the jpgs from my Computer Rendering class. AutoDesk Viz 2006 was used to create the model and rendering. The images are from a loft project that I created while in Residential Design Development. The concept was a 10th floor loft in LoDo ( downtown Denver ). The computer rendering class only required one room completed, so I did not finish the entire loft. There are 4 areas; kitchen, dining room , living room and art nook.
The original project was created in 3D AutoCad. I was able to import the dwg files directly to AutoDesk Viz. All furniture was built by me, in AutoCad.
I hope to finish the project- just for fun, outside of school- and post those jpgs soon.