Lonely Moose Designs

Life of an Interior Design Student........

Monday, August 21, 2006

Week 6 is over & Midterms are in.....

Ok Folks...it's not a pretty picture. Week 6 is over and the midterm grades are in. I still have a MOUNTAIN of work to do. Here's the line up so far:

Digital Presentation B+
Codes A-
Textiles A
Independant Study C

Let's just all agree now that Independant Study class for a procrastinator is A REALLY BAD IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!! That grade is my first C EVER.....but it is not a "hard" grade..meaning that the final grade will be from the final project. This 'C' just tells you how much work I have done so far. Not much.

So, I will have to work super hard this week to remedy this. Digital presentation is dragging me down as well...because I'm good at it, I have been giving it a low priority. I assume that I can just get everything done quickly.

I am registered for next Fall quarter. Here is what we will be doing next:

Corporate Programming (online class for only 5 1/2 weeks...super intensive)
Statistics (because I totally forgot that I needed this last general Ed class...GRRR)
Grad Application & Research (the start of my last 3 quarters)
Lighting Design ( 7:30 AM on a FRIDAY of all things.....)

Got to fly....got too much work stacking up!


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