Lonely Moose Designs

Life of an Interior Design Student........

Friday, May 06, 2005

Sure, design school SOUNDS easy.......

Well, there won't be much fun this weekend...or sleep. I am buried in projects that need to be completed Tuesday. Here is my "to do" list:
  • Draw 2 Floor plans, 1 nomenclature plan, 2 elevations and 2 perspectives of the kitchen remodel project I am working on. All drawings must be rendered (colored).
  • Finish writing the program for the kitchen project, along with adjacency diagrams and bubble plans.
  • Build presentation boards for kitchen remodel project....material samples must be included, so I have to shop for those.
  • Obtain pricing for all kitchen items and create a pricing and spec book. Spec book must include information for everything used in the kitchen project.
  • Finish 2 story residential floor plan for AutoCad class. Must include plumbing & HVAC, furniture, lighting plan & ceiling plan.
  • Draw all reference symbols and other misc "write block" items for AutoCad project.
  • Create templates for cover sheet and drawing block.
  • Non-design related, I have a Spanish presentaion due at 7:30 AM on Tuesday morning. Must find information about Spain, architecture, demographics, etc.

The kitchen project is ruling my life right now. I am really afraid I am not going to be done on time....although, that really isn't an option. ARGH!!!!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Viewing Tower- Plan View

Viewing Tower- Plan View
Originally uploaded by lonely moose.

In plan view (overhead). This gives a better idea of how the interior space works. You can see how the walls of the tower give the illusion that they cut through the interior space. In elevation view, you can see that the box looks like it has been pushed through the walls and appears to float.

The design is simple lines and shapes brought together. It really works!

Viewing Tower - Interior

Viewing Tower - Interior
Originally uploaded by lonely moose.

This is a shot of the interior space before I put the walls and roof on. It contains a chair, table, 3 plants in a planter box (see background) and a gazing crystal.

The furniture was formed out of aluminum sheet. The gazing crystal is actually a glass bead that I had made. It cracked while cooling and has been in my toolbox for years. Now, it has a home. The plants were made from beading wire...38 gauge, maybe? Very tiny and delicate.

Viewing Tower View 2

Viewing Tower View 1
Originally uploaded by lonely moose.

Different view of the tower. You can see the beginning point of the steps that carry you up the tower and through the structure.

Viewing Tower Project

Viewing Tower View 6
Originally uploaded by lonely moose.

Model of a viewing tower that I designed for an architectural model class.

Built from foam core, basswood and lexan, this model is at 1/2" scale. Tower dimensions are 12' x 12' base, 30' tall.

This was a lot of work! Trial and error working with different material and glues. Models are also very costly...there is probably $30+ spent in materials...PLUS buying the tools I needed to get started. Ouch.

Design School is time consuming and expensive!!!!