Lonely Moose Designs

Life of an Interior Design Student........

Monday, August 28, 2006

Here we go into Week 8........

What a hectic week! It was a scramble to get everything done (see previous post), but I squeaked by. Some projects need a little more work, so I am trying to catch up this week.

In addition to the FOUR classes I registered into for next quarter, I ADDED ANOTHER!!! Am I Nuts??? Yep......I am now taking Advanced Construction Documents as my 5th class. Trying not to think about that now.....

Getting back to work;

1-the independant study paper is a priority. I also need to start the Power Point presentation that will accompany the paper. The presentation is due week 10, the paper is due week 11.

2- I need to design a web page layout that consists of at least 8 pages. This is for presentation of my portfolio, resume and business. Due Thursday.

3- The brochure needs some tweaking; some text isn't finished and I'm having an issue with the borders when it prints.

4- Codes, codes, codes. Still working on the team project. Also need to finish outlines for chap 9 (second half) and chap 10. Vocab words are due as well.

5- Need to start textiles team project. Rugs are the subject and I need to find 5 manufacturers to present.

Got to fly....Starbucks is calling me.....


Monday, August 21, 2006

Week 6 is over & Midterms are in.....

Ok Folks...it's not a pretty picture. Week 6 is over and the midterm grades are in. I still have a MOUNTAIN of work to do. Here's the line up so far:

Digital Presentation B+
Codes A-
Textiles A
Independant Study C

Let's just all agree now that Independant Study class for a procrastinator is A REALLY BAD IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!! That grade is my first C EVER.....but it is not a "hard" grade..meaning that the final grade will be from the final project. This 'C' just tells you how much work I have done so far. Not much.

So, I will have to work super hard this week to remedy this. Digital presentation is dragging me down as well...because I'm good at it, I have been giving it a low priority. I assume that I can just get everything done quickly.

I am registered for next Fall quarter. Here is what we will be doing next:

Corporate Programming (online class for only 5 1/2 weeks...super intensive)
Statistics (because I totally forgot that I needed this last general Ed class...GRRR)
Grad Application & Research (the start of my last 3 quarters)
Lighting Design ( 7:30 AM on a FRIDAY of all things.....)

Got to fly....got too much work stacking up!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Week 5 is OVER!!!!

Well, you knew it would happen...I'm posting late. I failed to post on week 4...but I posted twice on week three!! Does that count?

So, the work is piling up and time is running out. This coming week 6 is officially the midterm week. I have 2 HUGE assignments due for midterm evals; brochure, letterhead and business cards done with Illustrator & InDesign....and the bulk of my independant study paper on Barn Architecture. I should have about 15-20 pages done (out of 50) by now. I have yet to start.

The work that is due this week...the work that will be taking up all my time this weekend and into the week is:
1- Create and email an outline for my independant study paper.
2- Write 15-20 pages for my independant study paper BY THURSDAY.
3- Read 82 pages of Buidling Codes (chapters 7 & 8)
4- Outline Chapters 7 & 8 in Building Codes BY TUESDAY
5- Complete vocabulary words for chapters 7 & 8 in Building Codes BY TUESDAY
6- Type up the minutes for the ASID meeting and email them to board members
7- Complete Building Sleuth assignments 1, 4 & 5 for Building Codes BY TUESDAY
8- Finish Business Cards & Letterhead in Adobe Illustrator DUE THURSDAY
9- Finish Brochure of my work for resume...done in Adobe InDesign DUE THURSDAY
10- Write a client profile for Building Codes project BY TUESDAY
11- Begin schematic design of Building Codes project BY TUESDAY

And...I must have 50 loads of laundry to do, my roses are being choked by weeds and my raspberries are in need of a good cutting and weeding as well.

It's a cliffhanger.....can I get all these assignments done at an acceptable level in time for a decent midterm grade......?????

Tune in next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!