I just realized that I haven't updated this blog since the beginning of the quarter. The current winter quarter will be over in just 2 1/2 weeks! Time has flown by and as usual, I am swamped with work. I have continued to be a teacher's assistant for a level 2 AutoCad class. I have also been picking up some paid tutoring gigs from students needing AutoCad help. Both of these experiences are frustrating to some degree; most students I work with DO NOT take notes, they DO NOT save handouts and then they get angry when deadlines come up and they don't understand the work that needs to be turned in. This has generally been true for young and older students. Age doesn't seem to matter. The Art Institute is NOT a cheap school and the expectations are high. Interior Design courses are about $1100 PER COURSE .....PER QUARTER. My quarterly tuition bill for 4 classes is $4212.
My point is: If you are not serious about school....or if you are not sure about your major.....DON'T go to an expensive school. It makes more economic sense to flunk out of a cheap school. Anyway........
Moving on.....I am posting some jpg's of a project from my Computer Rendering class. We use AutoDesk's "Viz" software. It's really a combination modeling and rendering program. All furniture, walls, objects are made by me. After the solid object is made, materials are applied. Lights can be placed in the scene to make it render realistically.....THIS is the REALLY hard part. You can see that one of my 4 jpg's has particularly bad lighting. Each scene took about 6 hours to render on my home computer (PC), so I didn't realize that the lights were poorly placed until after the complete render....and I wasn't about to do it again.
Homework is calling...enjoy the jpg's.
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